Friday, September 26, 2014

#8 Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Martial Arts

Zlatan is one of the best footballers of this generation and has a knack of scoring the most impossible looking goals. Some of his goals are executed in such a singular fashion that only his training in martial arts can be used to explain them.
As a child, Ibrahimovic attended taekwondo classes at a club called Enighet in his native Malmo, and received a black belt after his training. The President of the Malmo club remembers Zlatan as being ‘as good as it gets’, and has said that if the Swede had given as much attention to taekwondo as he did to his football, he could well have been the world’s best.
Ibrahimovic has himself credited his taekwondo training for his footwork, and the frequency of bicycle kicks and backheels that he successfully executes are a testament to this. 


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